Lotus Elan Registry

A place to document Lotus Elan and Lotus Elan Plus 2

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This is the Registry for the 1963 thru 1973 Lotus Elan and the 1967 thru 1974 Lotus Elan Plus 2. The purpose of the registry is to keep a history of the cars, trace the evolution of the Lotus Elan and to facilitate owner communication.

The Lotus Elan Registry started in January 2003. A thread on LotusElan.net asked the question, Does anybody know if there is a Lotus Elan register? I bashed together a registry and a few years later we have over 300 cars accounted for with more added every month.

How are we doing?

Series Registered Number produced * Percent registered
S110790012 %
S2199125016 %
S3275265010 %
S427929769 %
Sprint18390020 %
+2448452610 %
Total14911320211 %

* - Number produced is from Authentic Lotus Elan & Plus 2 1962 - 1974 by Robinshaw and Ross, page 22 and page 138. In cases where there is a range of values, I took the lower.

One of the Cars

Year : 1973
Series : +2S/130/5
Variant: FHC
Type: 50


Thank you to the many people on the Elan mailing list and the Elan forums who have helped with the registry. The group has helped with testing, providing pictures, provided feedback on what should be included, and kept me motivated to improve the site. This is their work. I am just the one who assembled the pieces.

Special thanks to Ross, Tim, Gary, Ed, Terry, Peter, Jeff, Nicholas, Alan, Christian, Michael, Stan, Jason and everyone else who has contributed and will continue to make the registry what it is, a place for us to obsess over little British cars.

© 2024 Lotus Elan Registry and UniBrain